Saturday, October 31, 2009


Stirring and Stirring and Stirring our Brew.... Ooo, Ooo
Stirring and Stirring and Stirring our Brew.... Ooo, Ooo
Tip toe, Tip toe BOO!!!

The boys love sing this song for Halloween and trying to scare us with their "BOO's". We love Halloween!!
We went to a Halloween party at Elaine's house. It was really entertaining and Spooky...
I made these mini wiener mummies for the party. I thought they turned out so cute.

Ki was spider-man, Nate was super-man, and I was suppose to be cat-women.

Nate didn't want anything to do with the pumpkins guts

We thought that our pumpkins turned out pretty good this year.
The boys were so cute in their costumes. Nate would fly around the house making airplane noises
Our traditional stew in a pumpkin.