Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall Break...

Brett finished his first quarter of his last year. Time is going fast. We got a week long break after his finals and the kids were able to enjoy some good quality time with Dad. Brett's parents came out to see us for a long weekend and do some fun things in San Fran.

Getting ready for Fall and Halloween.We went to the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield with Danny, Loni and Jackson. The kids favorite part was after the tour and they got to test taste some of the Jelly beans.
Brett and Danny dared each other to eat the gross jelly beans. The ones
that taste like; vomit, baby wipes, dirt and skunk spray

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Love Family Friday Nights....

Or maybe I just love my little family!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ki's Potty Trained

I don't know how it happened but he is potty trained throughout the day. YEAH! It didn't even take that long to help him with it. He just got it. It was nice to have my mom and the family come and visit at that time and to help remind him if he needed to go. We went to visit Renee and Aaron during this crazy time and Ki was able to watch Branson do it all by himself too.

I tried everything the first week but he didn't quite get it. So I decided he could watch movies in the bathroom with his underwear and see it that would remind him to go on the potty instead of in his pants and on the floor. It worked somewhat but I felt like he was in the bathroom ALL day and watching movies ALL day as well. My sisters thought I was silly but at that time I didn't know what else to do. I almost quit trying with him. But then something clicked for Ki. The potty charts and reward were a great hit and of course so was the potty treats after everytime went.

I'm so glad that it didn't take FOREVER to potty train him (for my sake).
We are so proud of you Ki. Your such a big BOY now.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tainted Love Concert

For LaDonna's 30th Birthday celebration some of us girls got tickets to a band who plays 80's rock called "Tainted Love". It was so much fun to be with the girls dancing all night long. Actually we didn't last very long because of all the crazies and it was too hot and gross inside. But still so FUN!!

The fun never ends with these girls!!