Ki is in a toddler bed now and he loves it. He loves talking about his big boy bed and loves that he can climb into his bed anytime. He is such a good boy. The first night we found him sleeping on the floor and just today during his nap we found him in his rocking chair. He may not take a nap all the time anymore but he will still stay in his room for a couple hours and play with his toys. It's kind of cute when he knocks on his door and tells me that he's all done. I'm so proud of him and how well he has done with this new change.Ki loved helping his dad put his new bed together.
Yay for a big boy bed!!! I think it is so cute that he knocks on the door when he is done :)
Nadine, I am so glad that he is being such a good boy. Mia is still doing really well. I forgot to put a diaper on her before bed last night and when I went to check on her at 9:30 she had wet the bed so scott and I did a quick change and she didn't even wake up. OOPS
Those pictures are so cute!! Ki is too adorable!! I can't wait to hang out with you guys again!!
your boys are growing up way to fast. i need to hold your little man pretty soon here again before he is no longer a baby!'s so fun that you have a blog!!! Love the cute pictures of your littl munchkins...they are SO cute!!! Thanks for sharing...Arin
Hey guys, we love you so much! I love checking your blog and seeing how much your boys are growing! They are so beautiful and Dean your doing such a good job as their Mother! I so badly want to talk to you guys, sorry that we missed your call. Try again, our calling card is spent! Love you all and thanks for the cute little card and fruit snack, Emma loved it!
Yea for big boy beds and cute striped jammies.
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