Before our Woolf Family 1st reunion a few of us got together to think of a theme and some activities for the week.
Theme: "1 Another".....Love 1 another, Play with 1 another, Work with 1 another, Have fun with 1 another, Serve 1 another, Pray with 1 another....
Place: Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C., Canada - we have been going there every year for 24 years
Who came: Dad and Mom, Janelle (and family), Renee (and family), Our family, Elaine (and family), Mik, and Miken.....everyone was able to be there. Total of people: Adults=12 Kids=9
Activities: Every day we had a song and did activities and crafts to go along with that song. We also went swimming EVERY DAY (except sunday) and sometimes two or three times. They had an awesome water park close by that the kids loved.
Thursday-- Families Are Together Forever; this is the day that most people arrived, we made a tableclothe with everyone's handprints on it
Saturday-- Popcorn Popping; we strung popcorn necklaces, water balloons, caramel popcorn
Sunday-- I love to see the temple; we built temples/candy houses with milk cartons and marshmellows, went on our traditional Fairmont Golf Ball hunt; we took some
Monday--If You Chance to Meet a Frown; face painting
Tuesday-- Bula Bula; we played the game, hide n' seek, soccer, and had an egg hunt with plastic easter eggs filled with smarties
Wednesday-- Oh Canada!; Woolf Family Olympics, this is my mom's favorite holiday so we went all out with maple leaf sugar cookies, the famous Canada Day square, and then ended the day with fireworks at the Fairmont Lodge...was a really fun day!
Thursday-- So long, farewell! Some of us had to leave this day...others got to party for one more day and left on Friday morning.
The whole week was a success. We all had so much fun and so many more memories. Till next reunion....